Our Quality Is Based On Our Experience
Birleşim Mühendislik offers the following system solutions for all kinds of building segments in accordance with the current legislation and international standards;

Heating - Cooling
It is the most frequently applied main component of mechanical installation contracting works. Since the outside air temperature drops a lot in winter and gets very high in summer, the environments need to be heated and cooled. The process of increasing or reducing one or more volumes to the desired temperature and keeping them at a certain temperature is provided by heating and cooling systems. Today, thermal comfort is necessary not only for people but also for all sensitive devices and machines.

It is the process of bringing in fresh air from outside by using different methods and various tools in order to change the air of a closed environment. In addition, it also serves the purpose of keeping products, devices, foods and some commercial materials protected from moisture. Fans that provide the movement of air in the ventilation system, air channels that carry the air, and grilles that ensure the smooth and silent distribution of the air to the environment; form the basic elements of the system.

Sanitary Installation
Plumbing is the process of installing equipment and pipelines for the clean delivery of water from a source to every building, discharge of waste water and discharge of used waste water. Therefore, sanitary installation covers all clean water and waste water installations. Sinks, shower trays, bidets, sinks, bath tubs, toilet bowls, drains, faucets, hydrophores, water purification systems, water meters, water tanks, chlorine dosing devices and water filters are the main sanitary installation elements in the building.

Fire Protection & Fire Stop Systems
Fire installation is all kinds of precautionary activities created in a structure to intervene in the fire until the fire brigade arrives, extinguish small fires and provide the means to assist the fire brigade when it arrives. Special pumps activated by the signal coming from the sensors responsible for detecting the fire and sprinklers placed at the end of the special piping system according to certain rules constitute the most basic fire extinguishing system. Smoke exhaust systems, which aim to remove the smoke formed in the event of fire without harming people, are also included in the fire installation.

Natural Gas Distribution Systems
It is the application of equipment and materials to safely transport the natural gas taken from the city network to the point of use, to be used for both heating and cooking purposes in buildings.

Medical Gas Systems
In health facilities; It is the type of installation in which the gases used for diagnosis, treatment, therapy, and sleep in patients and for operating surgical instruments in operation rooms are safely distributed.

Specialized Ventilation Systems
Operating theaters, newborn intensive care units, intensive care units, bone marrow transplant units, central sterilization units, pharmacy, kitchen, laundry, fume-cooker, biological safety cabinets, industrial kitchen and laundry, Clean Rooms according to ISO 14644.

Testing, Adjusting, Commissioning
Our company mainly applies TAD processes, which is a quality-oriented process that improves the delivery of the project in mechanical contracting works. TAB processes confirm and document that all mechanical systems and applications installed in the business are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated and maintained to meet the requirements of the facility owner. It ensures the adjustment of a commissioned system, bringing it into balance and using the energy in the most economical way. In the works where TAB procedures are applied, there are fewer defective and incorrect job notifications during the warranty period after commissioning. TAB procedures are carried out by devices with up-to-date calibration certificates and by people whose experience and skills are certified with certificates. Unlike most electromechanical companies in the industry, the company has a team that performs TAD operations. In this way, it ensures that the quality processes required from the beginning to the end of the project are well managed and documented.