BİRLEŞİM MÜHENDİSLİK 2023 ANNUAL REPORT 37 Birleşim Mühendislik and Erde Mühendislik have extensive experience with the electromechanical works of structures that require advanced engineering and technological know-how. Hospitals and Other Healthcare Industry Projects Hospitals are buildings whose electromechanical systems are extremely critical and vitally important to the life and wellbeing of their users. Systems that are to be installed in sections that require highly sterile environments such as operating rooms, intensive care units, burn treatment centers, delivery rooms, neonatal care units, isolation wards, and sterile storage areas all demand specialized project-design and execution expertise. The total air flow, fresh air flow, air circulation pattern, ambient temperature, ambient humidity, interspace air pressure balance, and noise level parameters required for these sections can only be achieved by means of electromechanical systems that are carefully designed and executed in conformity with international standards. Because there are so many technical details that must be known and followed during the design, execution, and operation stages, experience plays a key role in ensuring that works are completed in accordance with mandatory requirements and within budget constraints. Mixed-Use Projects “Mixed-use projects” are projects involving structures that blend more than one function (shopping mall, residential, office and hotel) into one space. Although experience gained in single-use shopping mall, residential, office etc projects is useful in mixed-use buildings and projects as well, the copresence of different functions in the same space poses problems that require more specialized solutions. After hospitals, the area in which Birleşim Mühendislik and Erde Mühendislik have the most experience is high-rise buildings. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers classifies any structure whose height is greater than 300 feet (91 meters) as “tall”. While not a hard-and- fast definition, buildings with more than 60 stories are generally considered to be high-rises. The extra height of these usually commercial buildings poses electromechanical installation challenges arising from such issues as foundation loading, wind loading, fire safety, earthquake resilience, stack effects, and solar irradiation that require advanced technical engineering solutions quite unlike those of other structures. During construction, many different techniques need to be used in conjunction with one another. Because the total floor space of a single high-rise story is relatively constricted, many operations such as mechanical and electrical installation, fine work, interior decoration etc must be carried out on schedule and without interfering with one another in confined spaces. There must be detailed planning so as to ensure that the personnel and materiel required each day are available and that the places where both are needed are accessible to them. High-rises also necessitate safety procedures that go beyond normal workplace health and safety rules. For reasons such as these, only experience in accurately assessing and planning high-rise construction costs and schedules will lessen the risks involved.