BİRLEŞİM MÜHENDİSLİK 2023 ANNUAL REPORT 192 Birleşim Mühendislik Isitma Soğutma Havalandirma Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. and its Subsidiaries (Amounts are expressed in terms of purchasing power of Turkish Lira (“TL”) as of December 31, 2023 unless otherwise stated.) Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the Year Ended 31 December 2023 27. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES HELD FOR SALE (Continued) Negotiations for the sale of assets held for sale are ongoing and the details are as follows; 31 December 2023 31 December 2022 Spradon C2 Blok Daire :73 12.368.128 12.368.128 Spradon A1 Blok Daire : 81 12.368.128 12.368.128 Başakşehir Cb2 Blok 8-9/18 Nl.Daire 11.227.985 11.227.985 Başakşehir D1 Blok Bodrum Kat 1 Nl.Daire 8.410.965 8.410.965 Başakşehir B2 Blok 14/118 Daire 7.666.388 7.666.388 Spradon B1 Blok Daire :5 6.770.071 6.770.071 Başakşehir B1 Blok 6/26 Daire 6.529.321 6.529.358 Başakşehir A1 Blok Zemin Kat 1Nl.Daire 5.777.128 5.777.128 Nispetiye On 21 Bağs.Bölüm 12.584.622 12.584.622 Başakşehir B3 Blok 4/47 Daire - 5.661.196 Başakşehir B3 Blok 7/76 Daire - 4.454.924 Başakşehir B3 Blok 7/75 Daire - 4.454.924 83.702.736 98.273.817 28. NATURE AND LEVEL OF RISKS ARISING FROM FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS a) Capital Risk Management While trying to ensure the continuity of its activities in capital management, the Group also aims to increase its profits by using the debt and equity balance in the most efficient way. The Group’s capital structure consists of cash and cash equivalents and equity items including capital and retained earnings. The Group’s cost of capital and risks associated with each capital class are evaluated by the board of directors and senior management. In line with the aforementioned assessments, it is aimed to keep the capital structure in balance by making decisions about capital increase or the Group’s acquisition of new debt. As of the 31 December 2023 and 2022, The Ratio of Net Debts to Equity is as follows; 31 December 2023 31 December 2022 Total Financial and Trade Payables 834.440.467 998.203.316 Minus: Cash and Cash Equivalents (337.815.909) (587.178.613) Net Debt 496.624.558 411.024.703 Total Equity 652.598.524 902.693.011 Debt/Capital Ratio 0,76 0,46